🎊 List 10 frivolous things that bring you joy

Also known as: Do More of What Makes You Happy!


It's finally Friday, and the weekend is ahead. It's been a stressful week for me, but I'm glad I made it through. I'll take the next 2 days to relax and spend quality time with my girlfriend.

Especially when things are not going as we would like, we need to find something to be happy and grateful for.

For me it's a very simple thing: going for a walk in the park with my girlfriend and leaving the phone at home. Spending time walking with the sun on our faces, talking to each other, and enjoying a gelato.

Nowadays life goes really fast. If you can, just pull the brake and take care of yourself every once in a while. :)

💡 Your Mantra for Today

I am allowed to take care of myself

This affirmation encourages self-care, which is essential for living a happier life.

It serves as a reminder that it is okay to put yourself first and set boundaries in order to protect your mental and physical health.

It also encourages you to make decisions based on what you need and want, rather than what other people expect of you.

By taking care of yourself, you can create more balance and peace in your life and develop a greater sense of self-love and acceptance.

📝 A Reflection for Today

List 10 frivolous things that bring you joy

Using this prompt in your journaling will help you identify and appreciate the small things in life that bring you happiness.

By listing 10 frivolous things that bring you joy, you will be able to focus on the positive aspects of your life and find ways to incorporate more of these things into your daily routine.

This exercise can also help you prioritize self-care and remind you to take time for yourself to do the things that make you happy.

💬 Quote of the Day

"To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance"

Oscar Wilde

📖 A Book I Enjoyed

You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero is a motivational book that encourages readers to pursue their goals and dreams. It provides strategies and advice to create positive changes in life.

Key Takeaways

  1. Identify and change self-sabotaging behaviors: Sincero encourages readers to become aware of their negative thought patterns and behaviors that hold them back from achieving their goals and provides strategies for replacing those behaviors with more positive ones.

  2. Develop an abundance mindset: the author encourages readers to look at the world with an abundance mindset, believing that there are limitless opportunities and resources available to them.

  3. Take action: Jen encourages readers to take action and start creating and implementing plans to reach their goals.

  4. Have faith: Sincero encourages readers to have faith in themselves and their abilities to reach their goals and to trust the Universe to bring them success.

This book is beneficial for anyone looking for motivation and guidance on how to make positive changes in their life.

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Have a Good Day,Simon


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