💖 Life always offers you a second chance...

...It’s called tomorrow!


the weather is finally warming, so I spent 2 days at the sea, off the grid from smartphones, email and socials.

I really enjoyed it, and I'll write more about it in tomorrow's entry. I just need to upload some pics I took :)

Meanwhile, the new week started, so better getting off to work and enjoy the new possibilities that are coming with it!

Have a fantastic new week ahead!

💡 Your Mantra for Today

I always try to see the bright side of things

This affirmation helps to keep a positive outlook on life, even in times of difficulty.

It encourages us to focus on the good and to look for the silver lining in every situation.

When we can look for the good in the world around us, we can be happier and more content with life.

Seeing the bright side of things helps to shift our attention away from the negative and can help us appreciate the positive aspects of our lives.

This affirmation can also help us to be more resilient, as it encourages us to keep going even when times are tough.

📝 A Reflection for Today

How do you make time for yourself each day?

Using this prompt in your journaling will help you reflect on your daily routine and identify ways to prioritize self-care.

By asking yourself how you make time for yourself each day, you can become more aware of the activities and habits that contribute to your well-being.

This can help you establish a consistent self-care routine and make adjustments to your schedule as needed.

💬 Quote of the Day

"Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow"

Stephen King

📖 Over to You

What are you gonna do this week? If you feel like sharing your plans:

  1. Click Here

  2. Scroll down to end of the page

  3. Leave a comment

  4. I'll read and reply to all of them

See you there,Simon


or to participate.